Time Collapsed (here in 28 minutes)

HD Video, 16mm loop, 35mm slide loop

This installation consists of three channels:16mm, HD video and a 35 mm slide animation that all runs continuously on a loop. The 16mm and video images are projected inside the main gallery space; using rear projection these images then pass through a doorway into another darkened space where viewers are encouraged to enter. Once inside, the slide projection image lies on top of the, now diffused, moving images. The work itself represents the imagined visions of the Philae space lander: a pod which was jettisoned from the Rosetta space craft in November 2014, it then landed on the comet 67P, 200 million light years away. It was the first time man had landed on a comet. Over the coming months Philae sent back photographic documentation of what it saw. Powered by sun light, it would awaken each month for a brief time; these images are the artist's interpretation on Earth of Philae's photographs on 67P. The sound is a collage of excerpts from the Carl Sagan's "The Golden Disc" record, currently aboard the Voyager space craft.


  • California Institute of the Arts “Black & White Gallery” 2015